191 King St.

About Us

About the Frontenac Heritage Foundation

Founded in 1972, the Frontenac Heritage Foundation(FHF) is a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation of buildings that contribute to the heritage of our region. The region includes:

  • City of Kingston
  • Frontenac County
  • Loyalist Township
  • Township of Frontenac Islands
  • Town of Gananoque
  • Township of Leeds & the Thousand Islands

We accomplish our objectives, in part, by delivering informative talks and tours, and hosting award ceremonies where we recognise owners, architects and contractors for their restoration and preservation work  on heritage properties.  We also provide resources for heritage property owners and organize a variety of celebratory events.

In 2022 the Frontenac Heritage Foundation celebrated it’s 50th anniversary and released a commemorative version of its newsletter Foundations.

Managed by a voluntary Board of Directors who are elected by the members at an annual general meeting, the FHF is financed by membership fees, investments, profits from property sales, tax-deductible bequests and financial contributions.

The FHF has acquired and restored a number of historic properties over the past thirty years.  It presently owns 62-64-66 Brock Street, an early commercial building in downtown Kingston through the generous bequest of the Hall Family.

To achieve its goals, the foundation, maintains a sustainable organization through fundraising events and the receipt of planned gifts, cash, real property, and grants; educates heritage building owners and occupants about the benefits and methods of built heritage conservation; and promotes public, neighbourhood and business involvement in heritage activities and through the support of grants.

Board of Directors (2024-25)

Kristine Hebert

Vice President & Secretary
Shirley Bailey

Penny Sharman

Web Master
Ron Tasker

Andrea Gummo
Jamie Vickers

Property Manager
Kurt Khan