Cam Allen

Cam Allen

At 7pm on Tuesday September 11, 2018, join us for ‘Heritage Inspection : It’s a Lot More Involved. This event will be held on the 2nd floor of the RCHA, 193 Ontario Street. Cam Allen  is a well known Home Inspector in the area specializing in heritage homes. He is the author of the Whig’s…

Bath Walking Tour

Bath Walking Tour

At 1pm and 2:30pm on Saturday November 3, 2018, we will be conducting walking tours of Historic Bath, including a stop at Ham House. Space is limited so to reserve your spot please email contact@frontenacheritage.ca

Ron Brown

Ron Brown

On Tuesday June 26, 2018, The Frontenac Heritage Foundation is pleased to sponsor Ron Brown who will talk about his latest edition of his book “150 Unusual Things to See in Ontario”. The event will be held at 7:30pm in the Upper Hall of The Spire at 82 Sydenham Street (Sydenham United Church).

Heritage Week Dinner

Heritage Week Dinner

Joins us for dinner at a celebration of Heritage Week! On Sunday February 11, 2018, 6pm, at the Renaissance Venue at 285 Queen Street, we will be celebrating Heritage Week with a Prime Rib Dinner and silent auction. The keynote speaker will be Helen Cooper, past mayor of Kingston. Tickets are $75 and are available…