The Anchor Building, King St. E and Brock Shared by Shirley Bailey

The Anchor Building

Anchor Building, Kingston The building known as the Anchor Building, was completed in 1856-1857 and designed in the brick Italianate style, featuring flat-faced facades, regular rows of arched windows with decorative window heads of different styles on each level, and a heavy roof cornice on the roof parapet. The building has historical or associative value…

Image of the front of 230 James Street, the James Medley Jr. House in Barriefield, Kingston, Ontario, An icon in the top right corner indicates it is a Frontenac Heritage Foundation award winner.

James Medley Jr. House

James Medley Jr. House The James Medley House is a one and a half storey limestone house built in 1856-7, on the north side of James Street in the Barriefield Heritage Conservation District. The house was reconstructed after damaged by fire in 1980s. James Medley Jr. was the architect/builder. This house has been lovingly restored by owners…