Image of the South Frontenac Museum at 5595 Rd. 38, Hartington, Frontenac County, Ontario, An icon in the top right corner indicates it is a Frontenac Heritage Foundation award winner.

South Frontenac Museum

South Frontenac Museum Originally built of hammer dressed limestone blocks to be a schoolhouse in 1908, this building served that purpose for many years, then housed a library, and then as the home of the clothing depot for Community Caring Hartington. Plans for a museum started in 2001, with the Portland & District Heritage Society fundraising…

718 Division Street

718 Division Street

718 Division Street Built pre-1869, this small limestone house sits on what was called ‘Prospect Hill’ next to the Roman Catholic Cemetery. Some prospect! Now owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation, the storey and a half house has a facade of large dressed stone blocks, with sides of random rubble stone.