Historic poster reading "To Build a good Neighbourhood" Grenville Park: the first fifty years, and an old map below.

SUE CHAMBERLAIN and DAVE AXFORD of the Grenville Park Cooperative Housing Association have offered to guide us on a walk of Grenville Park. Grenville Park is an interesting enclave of 56 homes surrounded by 12 ½ acres of park space that was established in 1946. It is located north of Bath Road and west of Portsmouth Ave.

This will be held on Wednesday, July 24.  Here are the details:  Come to Grenville Park via Portsmouth Ave., go west on Elmwood, (just north of Bath Road) and you will see a playground in the park on your right about a block west of Elmwood.  Please park on the north side (your right side) of Elmwood as the street is quite narrow.  The tour will be about 1.5 hours long.

STARTING TIME:  9:30 a.m.  And also, if it is raining, the rain date is the next day, Thursday, July 25, same time – same place.
PLEASE RSVP to Janice Rector, Administrative Assistant either by calling 613-484-0146 or emailing admassistant.fhf@gmail.com

Jane’s Walk Kingston 2024 RESCHEDULED -- Evolution of a Village: Portsmouth 1820-2024