Open House at Ham House
Join the Frontenac Heritage Foundation on Saturday November 2nd at 353 Main Street, Bath, Ontario from 2 to 4 p.m. with a talk by owner Ron Tasker. Refreshments provided.
Join the Frontenac Heritage Foundation on Saturday November 2nd at 353 Main Street, Bath, Ontario from 2 to 4 p.m. with a talk by owner Ron Tasker. Refreshments provided.
October 21-22, 2017
On September 25, 2019, join Ottawa Architect Toon Dreessen for a talk about development. This will be held at 7pm at the Kingston Public Library Central Branch, Meeting Room 1, 130 Johnson Street.
March 22, 2016
On Tuesday June 26, 2018, The Frontenac Heritage Foundation is pleased to sponsor Ron Brown who will talk about his latest edition of his book “150 Unusual Things to See in Ontario”. The event will be held at 7:30pm in the Upper Hall of The Spire at 82 Sydenham Street (Sydenham United Church).
On Saturday March 10, 2018, at 2pm Peter Gower will be providing a tour of St. George’s Cathedral in Kingston. The first Anglican Diocese in Ontario, This tour will provide unique access to this historic building.